Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Full Moon Folly

Last night a very interesting course of events took place. After dinner, the four of us retreated to our respective quarters in time for a rather strong rain to take place. During the rain, while Chris and I were watching a movie, we could hear our big friend, the Turkey outside agitating his wings, but thought nothing of it.
Some time later, we get a phone call from Alejandra’s phone, which is odd because she lives less than 50 yards from where we do. It turns out they had a small intruder over the night that they needed help getting rid of. After a long discussion about details and how much help we actually would be, we finally decide to set out for their room to find out how we can be of use. As I open the door and step out, I walk into a spider web head-on and instantly remember the very likely poisonous spiders we often encounter around this area. Needless to say, I freak out and start running around. Bad idea. Incoming footsteps and barking…no good… this is the second time this huge dog and I have an encounter, and I’m pretty sure he thought I was a burglar the first time, probably due to the fact that he chased me into my room. 
In any case, I decide to stay put this time and keep brushing off anything that may have crawled on my body from the web, and wait until Chris (Swanson) joins me. As I start to settle down, I suddenly notice a lot of feathers around the cottage area. To my horror, I see our friend the turkey lying on the ground, mauled and bloody, with half of his body missing. The dog had attacked it and eaten part of it alive; his legs were still moving at a slow, desperate pace.
This morning the female turkeys have been mourning him and searching for him around the house crying around his lost feathers.
Here is some evidence…

On a brighter note, our project is coming along reasonably; we are meeting today with the other University in Lira (All-Saints University) to begin tracing a comparative study on the curriculum, recruitment and faculty hiring, among other things. We will be conducting interviews and focus group sessions with students, administration, alumni, faculty and other key informants to determine specific traits of tertiary education in the area.

This last bit goes to the memory of Turkey…

As for Alejandra and Babina’s late night visitor, he may or may not have vacated the premises…

To be continued…


  1. Hahahaha Gilles, sorry I know I shouldn't laugh about the turkey incident but I love how you said, "but the last bit goes to the memory of turkey..." Lmao. Anyway, it sounds like you're having a good time out there :)

  2. 1. I hate dogs...really.
    2. Je t'imagine en train de courir comme un idiot avec une araignée sur la tête...peureux que tu es :)
    3. Je déteste vraiment les chiens!

    4. Now you can imagine why turkeys get nervous around Thanksgiving (and Christmas)...

    5. Stay away from the dog! Qui mange une dinde, mange une hand! Je te le dis moi...
